Xbox Game Pass: Official App Confirms Quantum Break is Leaving the Catalogue Soon

Xbox Game Pass: Official App Confirms Quantum Break is Leaving the Catalogue Soon

Xbox Game Pass: Official App Confirms Quantum Break is Leaving the Catalogue Soon

Xbox Game Pass: Official App Confirms Quantum Break is Leaving the Catalogue Soon

The popular subscription service, Xbox Game Pass, has become the go-to choice for many gamers worldwide, thanks to its huge library of games that are readily available for download. However, the official Xbox Game Pass app has confirmed that one of its popular games, Quantum Break, will soon be leaving the catalogue.

What is Xbox Game Pass?

For those unfamiliar with Xbox Game Pass, it’s a subscription service that provides instant access to a variety of games for a monthly fee. The service includes a vast collection of games, from new releases to old classics, with new games added every month. Xbox Game Pass not only saves money but also provides gamers with a wide range of games to choose from.

Quantum Break is Leaving Soon: Should You Be Worried?

Quantum Break is a popular action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Microsoft Studios. It was first released in 2016 and has since gained critical acclaim for its unique gameplay mechanics that combine time manipulation with live-action sequences. However, the Xbox Game Pass app has confirmed that Quantum Break will soon be leaving the catalogue, leaving many fans wondering whether they should be worried about the other games they enjoy.

The good news is that this is a common occurrence, and games leaving the service is normal. This is because publishers and developers work with the service to determine how long a game will be available for access. It’s also essential to note that while Quantum Break may be leaving the service, there are other similar games that gamers can play instead.

Other Games to Play on Xbox Game Pass

Xbox Game Pass has a vast library of games that gamers can play instead of Quantum Break. Some of the popular options include:

  • Control
  • Gears 5
  • The Outer Worlds
  • Doom Eternal
  • FIFA 21
  • These games offer a great gaming experience, just like Quantum Break, and are worth checking out.


    In conclusion, Xbox Game Pass subscribers who enjoy playing Quantum Break should be aware that the game will soon be leaving the service. However, this should not cause any alarm, as games leaving the service is common. There are also other great games available on the subscription service that gamers can enjoy, including the ones mentioned above. All in all, Xbox Game Pass is still an excellent service worth subscribing to.

    #XboxGamePass #QuantumBreak #GameCatalogue #GamingCommunity #SubscriptionService #GamingExperience #TECH

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