Tesla-employees allegedly created “memes” from dashboard camera footage

Tesla-employees allegedly created "memes" from dashboard camera footage

Tesla-employees allegedly created “memes” from dashboard camera footage

Tesla Employees Under Fire for Creating Memes from Dashboard Camera Footage

The Controversy

A recent controversy has started between Tesla employees after a story broke out that Tesla employees allegedly created “memes” from dashboard camera footage.

According to an internal message board post, a Tesla employee shared a screenshot of a Twitter account that posts “funny” dashcam footage. The employee added that this is “what happens when you give Tesla owners cameras in their cars.”

The Backlash

The backlash is clear, driving a Tesla is a luxury, and the company markets itself as an environmentally conscious and technology-focused manufacturer. As such, it’s questionable to see employees photoshopping memes of dangerous driving habits in the vehicles of the company’s customers.

The post, which was quickly deleted, spurred a string of employee reactions and comments, with some respondents slamming the company for treating dangerous driving behavior as a joke.

The Company’s Response

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has yet to respond to the matter.

It should be noted that if proven to be true, such behavior could breach the privacy of Tesla drivers who trust that their vehicle data is secure.


The incident is still under investigation, and while the situation may seem trivial, it’s still worth acknowledging the privacy concerns and real-life implications of data mishandling in a time where data breaches are on the rise.

#TeslaMemes #TeslaPrivacy #DashboardCameras #DataPrivacy #TechEthics

Summary: Tesla employees are facing backlash for allegedly creating “memes” from dashcam footage posted on Twitter. The incident has sparked concerns over privacy and data security for the company’s customers. The issue is still under investigation, and CEO Elon Musk has yet to respond. #BUSINESS

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