Reasons behind Michael Strahan’s prolonged absence from Good Morning America

Reasons behind Michael Strahan

Reasons behind Michael Strahan’s prolonged absence from Good Morning America

Reasons behind Michael Strahan’s prolonged absence from Good Morning America


Good Morning America is one of the most-watched morning shows in the US, and Michael Strahan has been one of its most popular anchors. However, fans have been concerned about his prolonged absence from the show recently. In this blog post, we’ll explore the possible reasons behind his absence and what fans can expect going forward.

Strahan’s Extended Vacation

It’s worth noting that Strahan’s absence is not unusual – many TV personalities take time off for personal reasons or to recharge their batteries. However, Strahan’s time away seems to have stretched on longer than anticipated. In fact, he has been absent from the show since early June, and there’s no word yet on when he’ll be returning.

Some fans have speculated that Strahan might be dealing with health issues or personal problems that are preventing him from working. However, there has been no official word from Strahan or his representatives to confirm or deny these rumors.

Strahan’s Deals and Other Projects Outside of GMA

Another possible reason for Strahan’s absence could be his many other commitments outside of GMA. Strahan is a busy man – he is a former NFL player, an author, a philanthropist, a TV producer, and a co-host of Fox NFL Sunday. He also owns a fashion line, a production company, and an esports team.

All of these activities could be keeping Strahan too busy to devote as much time to GMA as he used to. It’s possible that he is taking an extended break to focus on other projects and will return to GMA when his schedule clears up.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Effects on Strahan’s Work

Finally, it’s worth considering how the COVID-19 pandemic may be affecting Strahan’s work schedule. Like many others in the entertainment industry, Strahan may be dealing with restrictions on travel and filming that are preventing him from appearing on GMA as much as he would like. He may also be taking extra precautions to protect his health during this time, which could result in fewer appearances on the show.


While it’s unclear exactly why Michael Strahan has been absent from Good Morning America for so long, there are several possible reasons to consider. He may be dealing with health issues, busy with other projects, or affected by the ongoing pandemic. Fans will just have to wait for further updates from Strahan or his representatives to learn more.

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