“Microsoft Adds to Controversy with Windows 11 Advertisements in Start Menu”

"Microsoft Adds to Controversy with Windows 11 Advertisements in Start Menu"

“Microsoft Adds to Controversy with Windows 11 Advertisements in Start Menu”

Microsoft Adds to Controversy with Windows 11 Advertisements in Start Menu

What Happened?

Microsoft has recently added a new feature to the start menu of Windows 10, promoting an upgrade to the upcoming Windows 11 operating system. This has caused controversy among users who are not interested in upgrading or who are unable to do so. The advertisement appears as a small icon in the start menu that directs users to a webpage where they can learn more about the new operating system. In addition to the start menu, users have also reported seeing similar advertisements in their taskbar and file explorer.

#Windows11 #Microsoft #StartMenu #Controversy

Why is This Controversial?

The controversy surrounding these advertisements primarily comes from users who feel that Microsoft is pushing the update too aggressively. Many users have expressed frustration at being constantly reminded about the upcoming upgrade, especially if they have no interest in it or are unable to install it because of hardware limitations. Some have also expressed concerns about the potential impact on system performance and stability, as well as the potential for compatibility issues with certain applications and hardware.

What Does Microsoft Have to Say?

Microsoft has responded to the backlash by stating that the advertisements are part of their efforts to ensure that users are aware of the upcoming release and the benefits it offers. They also stated that users have the option to hide the advertisement if they wish to do so. However, this has not satisfied all users, with many calling for Microsoft to remove the advertisements altogether or at least make them less intrusive.

What Can Users Do?

For users who are unhappy with the advertisements, there are a few options available. The first is to simply ignore them and continue using Windows 10 until support ends in 2025. Alternatively, users can choose to hide the advertisement by right-clicking on it and selecting “hide”. Finally, users who are interested in upgrading to Windows 11 can click the advertisement to learn more about the new operating system.


In conclusion, Microsoft’s recent addition of Windows 11 advertisements to the start menu has generated controversy among users. While Microsoft has defended the move as an attempt to inform users of the upcoming release, many users have criticized the advertising as too aggressive and intrusive. With the release of Windows 11 still several months away, it remains to be seen how Microsoft will respond to this backlash and whether they will make any changes to the advertising approach. #TECH

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