Garante blocks ChatGPT for unlawful collection of personal data and lack of verification systems in Artificial Intelligence.

Garante blocks ChatGPT for unlawful collection of personal data and lack of verification systems in Artificial Intelligence.

Garante blocks ChatGPT for unlawful collection of personal data and lack of verification systems in Artificial Intelligence.

Garante blocks ChatGPT for Unlawful Collection of Personal Data and Lack of Verification Systems in Artificial Intelligence

One of the key issues that arise with the advancement of technology is the protection of personal data. In recent years, there have been increasing concerns regarding the collection of personal data by companies, especially those implementing Artificial Intelligence. This has now come to light as Garante, the Italian data protection authority, issued an order to block ChatGPT, an AI-powered chat platform, for unlawful collection of personal data and lack of verification systems in artificial intelligence.

Unlawful Collection of Personal Data

ChatGPT was accused of unlawfully collecting personal data of users without their consent or knowledge. The chat platform was collecting information on users’ gender, age, and location without a clear indication of what the information was being used for. This is a clear violation of GDPR regulations that require companies to obtain explicit consent from users for the collection, processing, and use of personal data.

Given that AI-powered systems require a vast amount of data to improve their algorithms and efficiency, the unlawful collection of data by ChatGPT begs the question of how many other AI-powered systems are collecting data in a similar way without the knowledge of their users.

Lack of Verification Systems in Artificial Intelligence

Another issue in the case of ChatGPT is the lack of verification systems in artificial intelligence. The chat platform was found to be using unverified data sources to train its algorithms, leading to biased responses to users’ interactions.

Garante highlighted the need for AI-powered systems to be subjected to more rigorous verification systems to ensure they are not creating biased outputs. This is especially important given that AI is increasingly being used more widely, not only in chat platforms but in other industries such as healthcare and finance.

What This Means for AI Regulation

This order from Garante highlights the need for stricter regulation in AI systems. As AI-powered systems become more ubiquitous, it is crucial that they meet certain standards of data protection and privacy. Companies developing AI should be held accountable for the collection, processing, and use of personal data and subject to verification systems to reduce the risk of producing biased outputs.


The case of ChatGPT being blocked by Garante for unlawful collection of personal data and lack of verification systems reinforces the need for AI regulation. The protection of personal data and the avoidance of biased outputs should be at the forefront of AI development, and Garante has demonstrated its commitment to enforcing these regulations. As AI grows in prominence, companies must ensure they meet the necessary standards for data protection and privacy to safeguard users’ information.

#Garante #AIregulation #PersonalDataProtection #VerificationSystems #ArtificialIntelligence

Summary: Garante has blocked ChatGPT for unlawfully collecting personal data and not having verification systems in artificial intelligence. It highlights the need for stricter regulation in AI systems to meet certain standards of data protection and privacy while avoiding biased outputs. #TECH

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