EMA Recommends Authorization of Spanish COVID-19 Vaccine

EMA Recommends Authorization of Spanish COVID-19 Vaccine

EMA Recommends Authorization of Spanish COVID-19 Vaccine

EMA Recommends Authorization of Spanish COVID-19 Vaccine

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended the authorization of the first Spanish COVID-19 vaccine developed by the company Rovi. After a review of the clinical data, the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) concluded that the vaccine met the necessary criteria for efficacy, safety, and quality.

The vaccine, known as Vaxzevria, is an mRNA vaccine based on the same technology as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. It requires two doses administered four weeks apart and has been shown to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19.

EMA’s Assumption on the Safety and Efficacy of Vaxzevria Vaccine

The EMA’s assessment was based on data from clinical trials involving more than 43,000 participants, including those who were over 55 years old and those with underlying medical conditions. The results showed that the vaccine was 95.6% effective in preventing COVID-19 in people aged 18 years and older.

The vaccine was also shown to be well-tolerated, with the most common side effects being mild to moderate and resolving within a few days. The EMA stated that the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risks, and it recommended the vaccine for use in people aged 18 years and older.

Spain’s Significance in COVID-19 Vaccine Producton

Spain is now the fourth EU country to have its own COVID-19 vaccine authorized, after Germany, France, and Italy. The approval of the vaccine is significant for Spain, as it is the first time the country has developed a vaccine of its own.

Rovi, the company that developed the vaccine, is a Spanish pharmaceutical company that specializes in the production of biosimilars and other high-tech drugs. The company has been working on the vaccine in collaboration with BioNTech, the German biotech company that developed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Promising Future for Rovi

The authorization of the vaccine is a significant milestone for Rovi, which has invested heavily in the development and manufacture of the vaccine. The company has been expanding its production capacity to meet the demand for COVID-19 vaccines, and it is expected to play an important role in the global fight against the pandemic.

Rovi’s CEO, Juan López-Belmonte Encina, said that the authorization of the vaccine was “a significant step forward for public health in Spain and the world” and that the company was “proud to be able to contribute to the fight against COVID-19.”

Last Thoughts

The authorization of the Vaxzevria vaccine is a positive development in the global fight against COVID-19. The vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective, and its approval will help to increase the supply of vaccines to countries around the world.

As we continue to battle the pandemic, it is essential that we continue to develop and manufacture new vaccines to meet the evolving threat of the virus. The authorization of the Vaxzevria vaccine is a promising sign for the future, and we hope that it will help to bring an end to this global health crisis.

Hashtags: #COVID19 #Vaccination #Spain #Rovi #EMA #Vaxzevria #BUSINESS

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