Blind Pick Queue Gets Unusual Updates for April Fools’ Weekend in LoL

Blind Pick Queue Gets Unusual Updates for April Fools

Blind Pick Queue Gets Unusual Updates for April Fools’ Weekend in LoL

Blind Pick Queue Gets Unusual Updates for April Fools’ Weekend in LoL

LoL has always been one of the most interesting and exciting e-sports games on the market. With its constant updates and evolving gameplay, players always have something new to look forward to. This year, for the April Fools’ Weekend, Riot Games has come up with a hilarious and entertaining way to switch things up.

The Changes to the Blind Pick Queue

April Fools’ Weekend is all about jokes and laughs, and Riot Games has taken this concept to the next level. This year, they decided to add unusually comedic updates to the Blind Pick Queue. These updates include removing the ability to choose your champion before the game, allowing players to switch champions with an enemy before the game, and much more.

Random Champions

For a limited time only, players won’t be able to choose a champion for themselves. Instead, the game will choose it for them. This means that players will have to play with champions they have never played before. This feature will test the player’s adaptability and their ability to use a champion they’ve never used before.

Switching Champions

In addition to the random champion selection, players will also have the ability to switch champions with their opponents before the game begins. This will add an extra layer of strategy to the game, as players will have to choose a champion that they believe their opponent is weaker with while also ensuring that they are comfortable with the champion they are choosing to play.

Other Hilarious Changes

As if these changes weren’t enough, Riot Games also added some other hilarious updates that will keep players entertained throughout the weekend. These updates include changing the game mode to a 20v20 mode, where players on each team will have to work together to take down their enemies. Additionally, players will be able to choose a “drunk mode,” where everything on the screen will be distorted, making it harder for players to play.


This year’s April Fools’ Weekend in LoL is going to be one of the most entertaining and exciting weekends for players. Riot Games has decided to add several changes to the Blind Pick Queue, making it more challenging and hilarious than ever before. From random champion selection to switching champions with enemies, players will have to adapt and strategize to come out on top. So, get ready for a weekend full of laughter, fun, and unforgettable gameplay.

#LoL #AprilFools #BlindPickQueue #RandomChampions #SwitchingChampions #HilariousChanges #TECH

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